Circle of Care

Quality Services, LLC.

Person Centered Service Delivery

Mon - Fri / 9 am - 5 pm

COCQS welcomes you to our new Mobile-App, with Circle of Care Quality Services,  (Nov 1, 2020).


Circle of Care Quality Services, LLC is an agency incorporated in the District of Columbia to provide Home and Community Based Waiver services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their preferred settings.

This agency is licensed by the Department of Healthcare Finance as a Home and Community Based Medicaid Waiver service provider. We provide state-of-the-art Person Centered quality services to adults with Intellectual disabilities


Circle of Cares Quality Services, LLC's mission is to provide top quality services to people diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities so they might live decent meaningful lives within their communities. We strive to foster a sense of belonging by enhancing people’s abilities to reach their full potentials. We provide our services in preferred settings at home and in the community.

Our dedicated professionals promote successful community living and work to enhance peoples' dignity, self-esteem and quality of life.


Our core values include dedication and commitment to service, respect of persons and families, focus on person centered service delivery, adherence to DDS and DHCF regulations and cooperation with stakeholders to ensure people we serve achieve their visions of living decent lives at home and in their communities..



Circle of Care Quality Services, LLC philosophy of service is based on the principle that all people we support have inalienable rights and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and be assured the maximum opportunities for self-determination.

Circle of Care Quality Services, LLC vision is to help transform individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities so they should realize that they are useful members of their communities and should contribute to its well-being.

This means that persons with developmental disabilities and dual diagnosis should have the same opportunities as non-disabled members of the community:

   The opportunities to have choices, make decisions, and have control over aspects of their lives.
   The opportunity to experience the network of community and natural support.
   The opportunity to establish friendships and participate in activities with people with disabilities and people without disabilities.
   The opportunity to live and be included in community life and participate in a variety of community activities.


Circle of Care Quality Services, LLC is an equal opportunity employer. Our employees receive rigorous background checks and are selected based on previous experience, excellent recommendations, and their passion for serving others. We treat both persons and employees like family. Circle of Care employs people who are inspired by the challenge of meeting the daily needs of people of differing abilities. We provide extensive training and support to all staff in order to ensure the highest quality outcomes for the individuals we serve.

We are currently looking for skilled professionals to join our winning team of healthcare professionals. The following positions are open:

   Residential Counselors (DSP - Direct Support Professionals)
   QIDP (Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional)
   DON (Director of Nursing)
   PD (Program Director)
   APD (Assistant Program Director).



In-Home Support Service is provided to persons living in their own home or living in their family member’s home. In-Home Support services are blended services that provide habilitation, personal care and other support services to the person in their home. These services assist the person to reside successfully in their home as their primary place of residence.

Supported Living Service is provided by an agency in a home serving 1 to 3 persons. It is a blended service that covers habilitation, personal care, nursing, and other residential supports and can be provided with or without transportation

Host Home Services enables people to live in the community in a family-type setting that will support them to achieve their goals, participate in community life and activities, maintain their health, and retain or improve skills that are important to them that they identify that are needed to live in the community.

Provide non-medical assistance and supervision to support a person’s goals, desires, and needs as identified in the person’s Individual Support Plan (ISP) and reflected in his/her Person-Centered Thinking and Discovery tools. Services may be provided in a person’s home or in the community.

Respite Care Services are the provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members enrolled in the Waiver. Respite care will ensure that persons will continue to receive services and have access to community activities as described in their ISP/Plan of Care including transportation to and from the activities


The Supported Employment (SE) program is a service that is integrated into the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program. The SE program services provide on-going supports to assist individuals with the most significant disabilities to maintain competitive employment in an integrated work setting. Qualifying for SE Services To be eligible for SE services from RSA, a person must: Be eligible for VR services Be determined to have a most significant disability Have a comprehensive assessment of rehabilitative needs that identifies supported employment as the appropriate rehabilitation or vocational goal. Once eligibility is established, the rehabilitation counselor will develop a SE Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) with the client. The IPE identifies the vocational goal and the services that will be provided in order to achieve that goal. Persons receiving supported employment services may be eligible for the same range of vocational rehabilitation services as all other RSA clients. In addition, RSA partners with community based agencies that provide supported employment services, including assessment, job placement, job coaching and other supports necessary to assist the person in maintaining employment. For individuals who require long-term supports, RSA will work with the person to develop a plan for follow on services using natural supports and/or transitioning the client to a long-term supported employment service provider available through other sources, such as DDA or DMH. The following supported employment services through RSA are eligible for reimbursement: Intake and assessment Job placement Job training and support and Follow-along services.

Provide habilitative supports in the community to ensure that a person’s community integration is increased and that the particular skills necessary for independence and community involvement outside the home, are developed and maintained. These services operate totally in the community and are focused on opportunities to increase a person’s abilities and are structured learning-based events

Employment Readiness or Prevocational Supports is designed with the intent to assist persons to learn basic work-related skills necessary to acquire and retain competitive employment based on the person’s preferences and abilities. Some teaching concepts include: interpreting and following instructions; interpersonal skills; communication skills; travel skills; respecting the rights of others and understanding personal rights and responsibilities, just to name a few

   Parents receive training that is individualized and focused on the health and Welfare and developmental needs of their child as well as building necessary parenting skills.

   Available to expected parents and parents with physical custody visitation rights or parents who are pursuing reunification with their child.

   May include training of individuals who provide unpaid support training companionship or supervision to individuals to reinforce strategies provided to the person served.

   Provided at home or in the community,
   Individual and small group (1:4).
   Providers may be peers or professionals
     -  Per Qualifications: Live experience + certification
     -  Professional Qualification: Mirror Family Training


Contact Us



Phone: (202) 820-4884


3937 Broadheath Circle
Burtonsville, MD 20866

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